Click here to read yesterday's brain dump.
Click here to read Kevin's brain dumps.
If this is your first time reading the brain dump, welcome! To read why we moved to Texas, click here.
a. Staying with our friends has been the perfect lab for my children to learn and practice being good stewards over others' belongings.
b. I received a text message from our friends (the wife) saying, "I appreciate you all. I noticed your presence in my house. Thank you for everything! You are a blessing!"
c. Wow! Answered prayer! My prayer has been and continues to be that my family will be a tremendous blessing to our host family, just as they are to us.
d. The Lord has done an excellent job in caring for us! He has done better than we could have done on our own. Thankful ... very thankful!!
e. I so appreciate divine connections. It just speaks of God's faithfulness to provide what we need in each other. Our connection to our host family is such a God thing!
f. I started my morning by simply reminding myself of these simple yet powerful truths:
• I am deeply loved by God!
• I am valuable to God!
• I am God's portion (and He is mine)!
• I am strong and courageous!
• I am not forsaken nor abandoned!
g. I can't sing (ask Kevin, he'll tell you like it is!), but I enjoy sitting with my mini hymnal and reading the words of different hymns out loud. It's refreshing to my soul, and enlightening to my heart while pointing me straight toward the One who inspired the lyrics in the first place.
h. Today I read and reread the hymn: Thy Mighty Love, O God Constraineth Me. I have no idea how it sounds, but the words cause me to long to experience and emulate the depth of love that's portrayed.
i. The kids enjoyed their last night of VBS. When I picked them up, all three of them were wet (water slides, dunking booth, and jump house), and had colored lips (sno cone dye residue). Today marks the first time they've been wet since we arrived in Texas.
k. My friend, Denise, shared a song with me before I left NC titled, You Make Me Brave by Bethel Music/Amanda Cook. The song says, "You make me brave, you call me beyond the shore, into the waves, no fear can hinder now, the love that made a way."

m. It's going to take a new way of thinking ... a God perspective ... a different mindset to walk on the waves and allow God to fulfill His purpose in me (my family). Lord, change my thinking, my perspective, my mind, so you can accomplish your redemptive plan through me.
n. Guess who comes back into my arms tomorrow?!? Yep, my piece of "organic" dark chocolate :)