Click here to read yesterday's brain dump.
Click here to read Kevin's brain dumps.
a. I started my day off venting to the Lord and then letting Him love me.

d. Today I made a trip to the grocery store for our friends and myself. Guest what? I visited Trader Joes for the first time since being in Texas. During checkout, I was asked by the cashier if I wanted frozen bottles of water to be placed in my grocery bag to help keep my cold food items cold. As a customer, I appreciated Trader Joes erasing my concerns about my cold items getting hot.
e. I've never heard a radio advertisement use an air conditioned facility as a perk for attending. I won't understand fully the rage about the Texas heat until I have experienced the summer. My days are ahead of me. They are coming.
f. Today we celebrated our host's (husband) birthday. While the wife decorated with Caitlin and Kuria's help. They had fun helping.
g. While the girls decorated, I had some free time. I went by the mall to use a gift card, and search for something inexpensive to pair with what I already have to wear to church tomorrow. Y'all, I've been living out of the same suitcase with the same clothes for almost a month. :( I don't consider myself a fashion diva, but I do think my wardrobe is beyond boring at the moment. I ended up not finding anything at the mall.
h. All week I have been thinking about what I was going to wear to church Sunday. I asked the Lord several times to help me put something together. Well, tonight as I was ironing a pair of dressy white Bermuda shorts, our hostess asked me if I was wearing shorts to church. I told her I was trying to make them work. She immediately said she had a dress I could wear. The dress, believe it or not, is a Ralph Lauren size 10, but fits me great. I'll try and post a picture tomorrow. God answered my prayer! I now have something nice and presentable to wear to church tomorrow.
i. The kids are excited about attending church tomorrow. They are eager to develop solid friendships, and I know the Lord will faithfully provide those. A scripture I am using for this area of their lives is 2 Timothy 2:22.
j. Today I decided which BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) group our family would attend in the fall, and made the necessary contact for our registration to be moved from Greensboro to Texas.
k. I contacted the Classical Conversations state manger for my area today to inquire about tutoring a class in the fall. I had initially said I wouldn't, but today I started exploring the idea. I believe it will force me to connect with other homeschooling moms and form the relationships I so desperately need and desire. Once again, I'm looking to God to establish the work of my hands.
l. I appreciate the Lord's extravagant love towards me. As I drove back to Fort Worth today, the horizon was beautiful and so expansive. I could not help but think that God's love for me is so much greater. The longer I've been in this place of waiting, the more really see,His amazing love for me. He loves me. Yes, He loves me! Each day I look forward to personally experiencing more of His amazing love for me.
m. I read this statement today, and I'll end my brain dump with it: "Faith is not an idle grace, wherever it is, it brings forth fruit in works!"
Cetelia will bloom where she has been planted!