Click here to read yesterday's brain dump.
Click here to read Kevin's brain dumps.
a. I found the Lord to be the lifter of my head today (Psalm 3:3). Today was a good day!
b. I left from my time with the Lord this morning with a sense of purpose. "Oh, Holy One of God, glorify yourself through me, this move, and Marriage Works!"
c. God has provided a safe place, an oasis of sorts, for us during our time of waiting and testing. He is cultivating in me a servant's heart; a heart of humility. His ultimate goal is to make me more into His image. How He does it is His prerogative, and I chose to be okay with it.
d. 13 days until the end of the month ... wow! It seems like we have been in this place forever. Despite how things have transpired, this 1 John 4:16 speaks my heart: "I know how much God loves me, and I have put my trust in His love." I am putting my trust in His unfailing love for me. He deeply loves me (and you, too!)
e. Tomorrow we are scheduled to look at homes again with our realtor. I'm approaching tomorrow with faith, an expectation of God's goodness, and a desire to do His will. With that said, I'm believing the Lord for a good report to share with you all soon.
g. After the museum Kevin (being the "cool" parent) treated the kids to an Oreo milkshake while I opted for one of my favorite drinks, a Kombucha!
h. Max was influenced by our friends' son who cooked a pound cake from scratch for his family. Max prepared breakfast for us this morning.
i. He cooked waffles, turkey bacon, and with Kuria's help, scrabbled eggs. When I came in the kitchen it looked like a hurricane had made a visit. But, instead of scolding them for the messy cooking, I tried my best to focus on thanking him and Kuria for their thoughtfulness and efforts in the kitchen. Honestly, it was challenging not to go in on them and point out everything they did wrong. I managed to bite my tongue. Breakfast was good!
i. One of the things I look forward to each day is my daily walk with my buddy, Kevin. Tonight we walked and talked and seriously discussed some concerns, while realizing we both have different expectations from each other when we communicate. We are still learning each other after almost 14 years of marriage. Sometimes the learning is fun, sometimes painful, but definitely worth it!
j. I'm encouraged by this verse as I retire to bed: "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" (Romans 8:31, NLT)
k. Cetelia will bloom where she has been planted!